About the Application

pingpodium.com is a well-thought-out and simple application – so clear that it practically requires no detailed instructions. Unlike other systems that are hard to read and full of non-intuitive functions, with us everything works as you expect it to. You don't need to wade through complicated menus or search for key information in a maze of descriptions – everything is at hand. Nevertheless, for complete clarity and to explain the nuances, we've prepared this brief description that will dispel any doubts. Check out how it works – though you probably won't need it anyway.


To use the application, you must register. After registration, you can use all features such as creating an account, organizing tournaments, signing up for tournaments, maintaining statistics, and using other functions.

Fill in the required registration data. You will receive an activation link to the provided email address to confirm your account. After activating your account, you can log in and use all application features.

Complete your account information. After logging in, you can edit and update your data. Basic data is essential and verified by the system when registering for a specific category, as each category may have its restrictions in terms of age limit or gender. Without completing this data, you cannot register for any tournament. If you wish, you can provide optional data that will be visible to other logged-in users or used for presenting statistics.

Tournament Organization

Creating a Tournament

Tournament organizers can create events, set rules, register participants, and manage results using the Application. To create a tournament, you need to provide required tournament data such as name, description, start date, venue (this data is also needed to find the tournament using the search engine). Additionally, you can add an image (poster) and a link to the tournament's external website.

By default, there is one category set that doesn't require data completion, but you can modify it according to your needs.

Give the category a name. By default, it's named "OPEN" and contains universal settings according to the name, allowing everyone to register.

Category settings include the system in which you want to conduct the competition. Options include:

You need to select the type of results you want to record in each phase (one setting per phase). Options include:

You need to set an age limit for each category. Default values are minimum 1 and maximum 99, but these can be changed as needed.

You need to set a participant limit for each category. You might have limited capacity for participants. The default limit is 40 participants. Once the registration limit is reached, the system will stop accepting new entries.

You need to set gender limits for each category. You can specify "Who can play?" or leave the default value if you don't want to restrict the category to women only or men only.


To complete tournament creation, you must make a payment according to the current pricing. You can use funds from your account or make a quick online payment. All online payments are processed through external systems available in the application.

Tournament Editing

As long as the tournament hasn't started, you can edit it. However, remember that making changes to categories will reset the list of registered participants, as their registrations correspond to the current settings.

Adding and Removing Participants

After creating the tournament, participants can register directly from their accounts, but you can also add participants manually. To do this, click the "Add participant" button and fill in their first and last name. You cannot add two people with the same first and last name. Participants from outside the application have a default ELO rating of 1200, and their results don't affect its change.

To remove a participant, click the X icon next to the participant in the list.

Tournament Management

Completing Configuration

You can end registration at any time. In this step, you need to complete the configuration (if there is a group phase) by defining how many groups the category will be played in. If there is no group phase, proceed directly to seeding participants.

Seeding Participants

You can freely seed participants in each group or bracket within the category. To do this, drag and drop the participant in the appropriate place. Keep in mind that a group must have a minimum number of participants, and a bracket can contain byes.

Recording Results

Results must be entered according to the declared system. The entered result must be confirmed to be permanently saved and visible to application participants. It's not possible to save multiple results at once, so remember to confirm each entered result.

Results are automatically calculated, allowing you to see the current state of points, sets, and/or wins and position in the group or bracket.

Completion and Summary

If all results have been entered, you can end the phase. If the category consists of another phase, the system will ask you to indicate participants who will take part in it, then proceed to their seeding. Along with selecting participants, you need to specify the bracket mode. Options include:

If all phases have been completed, the category will be finished and the winner will be indicated. The ELO rating is recalculated based on the results of all phases when the category ends.

Tournament Participation

Finding a Tournament

A search engine is available that allows you to find tournaments by name or location. You can access the tournament details page from search results or directly through a link received from the organizer.

Joining a Tournament

To join a tournament, go to the tournament page and click the "Join" button for your chosen category.

Following Results

Once the tournament has started, you can see currently recorded results by the organizer by going to the competition page.


The application offers access to the history of played tournaments and presents achieved results in the form of interesting charts and statistics, allowing you to observe your development and compare yourself with other participants.

Why Choose Us?

pingpodium.com is a modern tool created with the table tennis community in mind. Our application stands out with its ease of use, clear interface, and practical features. With it, you can not only organize and participate in tournaments but also track your development through detailed statistics and ELO ranking. Join us and enjoy the game in a more organized and professional way!